EVS CH-1 GROWING PLANTS (Notebook exercise,workbook exercise, Additional Question bank)

                                        CH-1 GROWING PLANTS  

1.       pollination
2.       cotytledons
3.       dispersal
4.       explosion
5.       threshing

New terms
1.       weeding- removing unwanted plants
2.       fusion- the process or result of joining two or more things together.

Fill in the blanks:
a. Plants such as ___ferns__ and mosses reproduce through ____spores__
b. _Pollination___ is the transfer of pollens from the __anther____ of one
flower to the ____stigma_ of the same or another flower.
c. Dandelion seeds have fine, long hair around them that help dispersal by wind_
of these seeds.

. Match the columns.
Column A
Column B
a.       Grow from stem
i.                     Coconut
b.      Grow from root
ii.                   Radish
c.       Dispersal by explosion
iii.                  Ginger
d.      Water dispersal
iv.                 Lady finger

                                           a-iii, b-ii, c-iv, d-i.

 State whether the following statements are true or false:
a. Mustard is a fibre crop.(false)
b. Bean seeds are usually dispersed by explosion.(true)
c. All plants require only air for germinating.(false)
d. Monocot plants have one cotyledon in their seeds.(true)
e. Rice is a Rabi crop.(false)

 Answer the following questions in 3 to 4 sentences:
a. Define germination and state the conditions required for it.
·         Ans.  Germination is the process by which a seed produces a baby
            plant or a seedling in the presence of air, water and warmth.
·                  A seed cannot germinate if it does not get right conditions of air, moisture and warmth.               If any one condition is not right, the seed will not grow into a healthy plant.

b. What is pollination? Give examples of different pollinating agents.
Ans. The process of transfer of pollens from the anther to the stigma of the same or
         another flower is called pollination.
        Examples of pollinating agents are wind,insects.

c. Why are crops sprayed with pesticides?
Ans. Crops are sprayed with pesticides to protect the crops from pests.

d. Explain the different methods of vegetative reproduction.
Ans. Vegetative reproduction is of the following types:
Through roots
Money-plant and dahlia develop many roots which then develop
into shoots, when kept in water.
Through stems
Many plants develop roots through
their stems, which then grow into
new plants. For example, ginger and
potato are underground stems which
can be used to grow plants. Potatoes
have small buds on their body. A new
potato plant can be grown from a part
of the potato with a bud on it.
Through leaves
Some plants can grow new plants from their
leaves. Bryophyllum leaves have tiny buds that
grow on each leaf. These tiny buds can grow into
a completely new plant under right conditions.
Through spores
Mosses and ferns reproduce with the help of
spores, because they do not have flowers and
therefore no seeds.
Ferns have leaves with pores on the underside that
help the plant to breathe. They also have pods
called sori that contain spores which germinate
and develop into new plants.

Akash wanted to see plant growth so he kept some bean seeds in
dry soil, gave proper sunlight and air. Will his plant grow? Why or
why not?
Ans. The plant will not grow because it does not get water as the soil is dry. Because a plant needs all the important factors for germination that is air,  water and sunlight.

1. Growing Plants

1.             Fill in the blanks. (R)

a)      _____________ are small leaf-like structures present at the base of a flower.

Ans: sepals

b)     Ginger and potato are underground ____________ which can be used to grow plants.

Ans: stems

c)      The process of fusion of pollens and ___________ in the ovary is called fertilization.

Ans: ovules

d)     _______________ is the process by which seeds are scattered away from the mother plant.

Ans: Explosion

2. Match the following: (U)

Vegetative Reproduction method
a) Dahlia
i)Through stems
ii) Through leaves
iii)Through spores
iv)Through roots

Ans: a) iv), b) i), c) ii) d) iii)

3. Give three examples of following (R)

a)      Kharif crops

Ans: Rice, maize, jowar, bajra, pulses, peanuts, jute and cotton (accept any three correct answers)
b)     Rabi crops

Ans: Wheat, barley, peas, gram, and mustard. (Accept any three correct answers)

c) Oil-producing plants

Ans: mustard, sunflower and soybean

4. Answer in one sentence. (U)

a)      Give functions of the following.

(i)         Petals

Ans: The main function of petals is to attract insects and birds.

(ii)         Sepals

Ans: The main function of sepals is to protect the flower in the budding stage.

b) What is pollination?

Ans: The process of transfer of pollens grains from the anther to the stigma of the same or another flower is called pollination.

c)       Name the parts of a pistil.

Ans: A pistil consists of three parts: stigma, style and ovary.

5. Give reasons. (An)

a)      Seeds should not be sown too close to each other.

Ans: If seeds are sown too close to each other, they will not be able to grow because seeds need proper space to germinate.

b)     Crops are sprayed with pesticides.

Ans: Crops are sprayed with pesticides to protect them from the different types of pests.

 6. Observe the picture and label the diagram. (An)




7.      Sameera wanted to plant a potato with small buds in a pot. After some days, she noticed that the plant was growing but she could not see any potatoes on the plant. Why could Sameera not see any potatoes on the plant?

Ans: Potatoes are modified stems that grow under the soil and not on the plant. Due to this Sameera could not see potatoes on the plant.

 9. Higher Order Thinking questions (HOTS) (Ap)
It has been observed that there is a sharp decrease in the population of butterflies and honeybees in recent years. Butterflies and honeybees are important for plants. What will happen if their number continues to drop? Suggest ways to improve the number of butterflies and honeybees in your area.

Ans: If the number of butterflies and honeybees continues to drop, it will be difficult for the plants to pollinate. Some plants may not give rise to new plants due to this. We can plant flowering plants or trees in our area and take care of them. This will attract butterflies and honeybees and help increase their number.

GRADE- 5 Subject- EVS
Ch-1 Growing Plants
Question Bank
Note :Below highlighted words are the key words

Answer the following:

 Q.1 What is function of stigma?
Ans. Stigma is the sticky tip of the pistil which functions to receive the pollen grains.

Q.2 What is the function of sepals?
Ans.The main function of Sepals is to protect the flower in the budding stage.

Q.3 State the difference between self pollination  and Cross pollination?
Ans. When the pollens are transferred to the stigma of the same flower, it is called self-pollination and when they are transferred to the stigma of a different flower it is called cross-pollination.

Q.4 What is the function of seed coat?

Ans. Seed coat protects the seed along with the embryo inside. It has a tiny pore which allows water and air to enter.

Q.5 What is the function of cotyledon?
Ans. On removing the seed coat, you will be able to see two seed leaves or cotyledons which store food for the embryo. The food stored is used by the baby plant till it grows the first green leaves.

Q.6 Give two examples of monocotyledons and dicotyledons.
Ans. Monocotyledons-- maize, rice
        Dicotyledons.-- gram, bean

Q.7. What is Germination? State the factors required for germination.
Ans. Germination is the process by which a seed produces a baby plant or a seedling in the presence of air, water and warmth.
 A seed cannot germinate if it does not get right conditions of air, moisture and warmth. If any one condition is not right, the seed will not grow into a healthy plant.

Q.8 Why seeds require adequate space while growing?
Ans.  Seeds also need proper space to germinate. If seeds are sown too close to each other, they will not be able to grow. Thus, seeds are dispersed in different ways to ensure that there is adequate space between them and they are not starved of nutrients.

Q.9  Write the difference between Kharif crops and rabi crops?
Kharif Crops
Rabi Crops
They are grown in the rainy season from June to September.
They are grown in the winter season, i.e. from November to January
Examples: Rice, maize, jowar, bajra, pulses, peanuts, jute and cotton.
Examples: Wheat, barley, peas, gram and mustard

Q.10  Why Mosses and Ferns produce through spores?

Ans. Mosses and ferns reproduce with the help of spores, because they do not have flowers and therefore no seeds.

Q.11  What is the function of pores and sori in ferns?
Ans.  Ferns have leaves with pores on the underside that help the plant to breathe. They also have pods called sori that contain spores which germinate and develop into new plants.

Q.12 What is Agriculture?
Ans. Agriculture --It is the science of growing plants on a large scale for food and biological raw material.

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