PODAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, VADODARA(2020-21) GRADE- 5 Subject- EVS Ch-4 Amazing animals Question Bank Note :Below highlighted words are the key words · Define 1) Habitat-- The place where an animal lives , feeds and reproduces is called its habitat . 2) Terrestrial animals--Animals that live on the land are called terrestrial animals .e.g lion, deer 3) Aquatic animals--Animals that live in water are called aquatic animals. e.g fishes, crabs 4) Amphibians-- Some animals can live on land and in water, both. These animals are called amphibians . Frogs and salamanders are amphibians. 5) Arboreal animlas—Terrestrial animals that spend most of their time on trees are called arboreal animals . Monkeys and chameleons are arboreal animals. 6) Aerial animals--Animals that can fly are called aerial anima...