Grade 5C EVS
Ch- The United Nations
Date: 19.01.2022
Topics taught:
- Conducted Diagnostic test through Google form.
- Discussed the kick start activity.
- Explained about the Government in India (Legislative, Executive & Judicial) and its functions using a video.
Date: 20.01.2022
Topics taught:
- Explained the factors responsible for the creation of the United Nations using a video and PPT.
Date: 24.01.2022
Topics taught:
- Explained the Aims of UN.
- Discussed the 6 organs of the UN.
Read the topic-Aims of UN from textbook to have better understanding.
Date: 27.01.2022
Topics taught:
- Explained the functions of the organs of the UN-The General assembly and The security council.
Research work : Search information on the countries having issues/ disputes.
Date: 31.01.2022
Topics taught:
- Discussed and explained the organs of the UN- Trusteeship council, Social-economic council, International court of justice and the Secretariat.
- Discussed the agencies that help UN to function smoothly- UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Date: 01.02.2022
Topics taught:
- Discussed and explained the functions and working of agencies of UN- UNESCO, ILO, IMF, UNEP, UNDP
Date: 02.02.2022
Topics taught:
- Explained and discussed the India's support to UN.