Computer question bank.

Revision Questions (Computer)
Ch 6 & 7
What is an algorithm?
An algorithm is a step-by-step instruction given to the computer to solve a problem or perform a task.
Steps to develop an algorithm
Step 1 :  Start
Step 2 : Describe the problem.
Step 3 : Develop the main step for an algorithm.
Step 4 : Add detailed steps for each main step.
Step 5 : Review and refine the algorithm if required.
Step 6 : Stop/End.
Characteristics of a good algorithm.
Each instruction should be clear and have only one meaning.
One step should have only instruction.
Each instruction should be performed in finite time.
No instruction should be repeated infinitely, i.e. the algorithm must end.
After the instructions are executed, the user should get the results.
Examples of algorithm
Write an algorithm to find whether a number is odd or even.
Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Enter a number N
Step 3 : Check if the number is divisible by 2.
Step 4 : If yes, than print N is an even number, else print N is an odd number.
Step 5 : Exit/stop.
What is Flowchart?
The graphical or pictorial form of an algorithm is called a flowchart.
Write the use of the following shapes in flowchart:
Ellipse : Start/End box
Parallelogram : Input/Output box
Rectangle : Processing box
Diamond : Decision box
Arrows : Flow line
What is the direction of flow in a flowchart?
The direction of flow in a flowchart is always from the top to the bottom and left to right.
Refer from text book following examples of algorithms and flowchart.
An algorithm and corresponding flowchart for adding two numbers.(textbook pg 80)
An algorithm and flowchart to find the largest of three numbers. (textbook pg 81).
An algorithm and flowchart to print the multiplication table for a given number.(textbook pg 83).
Advantages of a flowchart.
A flowchart shows the logic of a program that serves as blueprint for the  analysis and development phase of a program.
Flowchart helps us to analyse the problem in much more effective ways.
It is easy to understand and implement.
Note : revise all questions given in textbook and workbook.

Ch 7 Advanced Script in Scratch
What is sensing block?
This is blocks of scratch which used to accept inputs from the user/keyboard.
The input entered by user will store in _________ Variables. 
( ans : “answer” variable)
Write the values of four quadrants.
1st quadrants : x= 0 to 240, y=0 to 180
2nd quadrant : x= -240 to 0, y=0 to 180
3rd quadrant : x=-240 to 0, y=0 to -180
4th quadrant : x= 0 to 240, y=0 to -180
The point at which the X and Y axis meet is called _______
Ans : Origin
Write the value of X and Y at Origin.
X=0, Y=0.
Write the  steps to create own variables in scratch.
Step 1 : Select the variables block.
Step 2 : Click on make a variable.
Step 3 : Specify the name of the variable and click ok.
It refers to a looping structure such as a repeat of forever block used inside another looping structure.
Nested loop.
The block category used for accepting input from the user.
It stores the most recent keyboard input.
What is the use of the predefined variable ‘answer’ in Scratch?
to store a value entered by the user in the input box displayed by the ‘ask’ block Program.
What is the value of the x and y position at the bottom right corner of the stage?
240, -180
What will be the values of X and Y when the sprite is placed at the centre?
X=0, Y=0.
Note : Revise all the question given in textbook and workbook.

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